Monday, January 28, 2013

Graduate program



To promote broad interdisciplinary collaboration of science and engineering with art at Louisiana Tech
To stimulate productivity by broadening the understanding of the interactions of technology, art, and society
To initiate joint projects and programs through creative output, and
To inspire breakthrough science, art and technology enterprises
Eligibility: Artist/designer interested in technologies through artistic and scientific investigations holding a bachelor’s degree.

Fellowship Duration: Three years (September 2012 – May 2016).

The Graduate Fellow will receive $15,000 per year and a full tuition waiver for 3 years.

Fellow Expectations:

Create interdisciplinary work outside the field of art
Work in collaboration towards business and commercialization utilizing technology within contemporary art
Attending meetings and presentations, including laboratory group meetings, as invited and as scheduled by the College of Engineering and Science
Donate one piece of art per year to the College of Engineering and Science
Fellow Benefits:

Travel support ($1500/year) and supplies as needed from the College of Liberal Arts
Supplies and materials ($1500/year) to make necessary art from the College of Engineering and Science
Supplies and materials ($750/year) to make necessary art from the School of Art
Access to facility, faculty and administrative support in University Hall
Application Requirements:

(1) The applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college, and the minimum GPA to be considered for admission, on a 4.0 system will be 3.25 on all work attempted.

(2) A GRE score of 1,000 or better with an emphasis on Verbal with a minimum score of 600.

(3) An application to Graduate Fellows Program, which will include a section requiring a statement as to why the applicant is interested in graduate study and why the applicant feels he/she merits consideration for the Fellows program.

(4) A minimum of three and a maximum of five recommendations, using our standardized recommendation form.

(5) A descriptive listing of the visual portfolio, designating areas of emphasis or major.

(6) An artist statement, which discusses the applicant’s artistic concerns in one page.

We stress in our portfolio requirement that the visual submissions be comprehensive in scope and clear in presentation.

Submission deadline: February 1, 2013.

Applications are accepted on line at for the School of Art component and for the Graduate School forms. Please indicate in your cover letter that you wish to apply for the Board of Regents Graduate Fellowship.

Questions: Contact - Marie Bukowski -

Frank Hamrick
Photography Area Coordinator
Associate Professor of Photography
School of Art
Louisiana Tech University
P.O. Box 3175
1 Mayfield Street
Ruston, LA 71272

318-257-4154 Office

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