~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SGC International
Student Fellowships 2011 Call for Proposals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
SGCI Student Fellowships are awarded to individuals who exhibit outstanding promise in the fine art practice of printmaking. Each institution may submit the name of one graduate and one undergraduate student candidate. In order to be considered, these students and the institutional representative nominating them, must be members in good standing. The students must submit the following to the SGCI Awards Steering Committee: |
| Guidelines for the Selection of SGCI Student Fellowships:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The students must submit the following to the SGCI Awards Committee:
A complete set of:
- Nominating statement by their institution representative, please indicate if you are nominating the student for the undergraduate or graduate student award. (Included in the CD as a word document.)
- Eight digital images (no larger than 150 dpi, 4" x 5")
- A proposal (maximum of two pages long) outlining the project that the fellowship will be used for. This should include an abstract, methodology, timeline and budget. The proposal needs to be saved as a Word Document and to be included in the CD itself.
- Please list contact information on all application materials (name, email address, phone no., mailing address
- SASE for return of application materials.
The recipients of the SGCI Student Fellowships are presented at the awards ceremony. The award is $500 for the undergraduate student and $1000 for the graduate student. The SGCI President at the annual conference makes the presentation. The SGCI Student Fellowship recipients' banquet dinner are paid for by SGCI if held in conjunction with the awards ceremony.
The recipients of the SGCI Student Fellowships will also be recognized with accompanying images at the following year's award ceremony. Students will be afforded all possible opportunities to be listed in conference and council publications and the website. SGCI will also extend its efforts in presenting student works resulting from the prior year's fellowship monies. Student fellowship winners will provide the archives with digital documentation of work accomplished.
Upon notification, recipients are responsible for acknowledging acceptance of the award along with submitting updated contact information; a short bio and a black and white portrait photograph for publicity purposes. |
Calendar of Events: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Deadline for receiving applications: January 15, 2011
- Notification of recipients: January 30, 2011
- Acceptance response and materials deadline: February 12, 2011
The complete packet must be sent to:
Randy Bolton, SGCI Awards Committee Chair. Cranbrook Academy of Art 39221 Woodward Ave. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303
(rbolton@cranbrook.edu; 248-645-3330) |
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